Saturday, August 18, 2007

Gnuman Found!

Yippy, We've located Gnuman!
I think Megan will be posting here soon, but he had an unintentional extended stay with her & is now winging his way to his next stop.
She has posted some great photos on the flickr page with some commentary. For some reason blogger isn't showing any of the editing options so I can't make it a link, but here's the URL~

I hope we'll soon be hearing from Gnorm as well...


Lapdog Creations said...

I lost track of people they've visited - is anyone tracking and if so, how many of us hostesses are left?

Lapdog Creations said...

What about Gnorm? Are the boys on the move again? How many destinations do they have left?

Lapdog Creations said...

ANy updates? It seems like everyone just dropped out here... hello??? Anyone out there? :)

Cat said...

Is it possible to join in still?