Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Home Again, Almost

Hi, It's Gnorm! Jae was so kind to free me from my comfortable surroundings. She told me that I was in Clarkston, MI. She showed me on a map that I was only an hour from Rae, where my adventures began. I started in Lansing and Clarkston can be found just above Waterford.

Of course, I didn't arrive empty handed. Teej sent me off with some wonderful gifts. Jae thinks Teej might be slightly psychic because the Springbreak colorway of Claudia Handpaint is a color that she almost bought during a recent yarn shopping spree.

I arrived with Eucalan wash and there was also some soap and a candle - apricot freesia and beanpod. That explains why I kept smelling such delicious scents during my journey. Jae said that the keychain sweater was a little too small for me and that she would use it for her keys to the house. I was sorely tempted to break into the nutella hazelnut spread (a gnome can get mighty hungry from all the traveling) but in the end I resisted. Jae has never tried this before but her husband assures her that it is very yummy. Infact, Jae immediately hid it so her husband (and I) wouldn't steal it later.

Tomorrow Jae is taking me to her LYS. I can hardly wait! The people at all the yarn stores have been so nice to me. I'm sure this one won't be any different.

P.S. Jae says that she wants Teej to know she is very thankful for all the wonderful goodies that I arrived with!


Debbi said...

It is great to see that Gnorm is have a good time. Has anyone heard from Gnuman? Just wondering if he arrived at his last destination safely.

Rae said...

Hi Jae, I'm so glad to see Gnorm arrive & be so close to home!
I hope you show him that peacock shawl you knit, it's absolutly lovely! I do hope you write up the pattern for that one.

Lapdog Creations said...

Where's Gnuman?